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Gemological (mineralogical) examination

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Gemological examination is a kind of soil science examination performed in order to establish the nature of minerals, including precious stones, the source of their origin, composition and production technology of their synthetic analogues and imitations.

Objects of mineralogical (gemological) expertise are natural faceted and uncut precious and semi-precious stones, their synthetic analogs, imitations, semi-precious stones, stone products, rocks.

Gemological examination allows:

  • diagnose stones or minerals, establish whether a given stone is precious or ornamental, natural, synthetic or imitation;
  • determine the weight, size and value of stones;
  • the deposit from which the rough stones originate;
  • conditions for processing stones, qualifications of the person who carried out this processing;
  • whether the stone was previously in a piece of jewelry, to reveal traces of jewelry stones on tools (objects).

Also, the objects of independent gemological examination include diamonds (cut diamonds, rough diamonds), precious stones, precious stones of organic formation.

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The solution of identification problems within the framework of a gemological examination makes it possible to establish:

  • common source of origin of stones;
  • whether they previously constituted a single whole (including one set), parts of the jewelry (to be decided within the framework of a comprehensive examination).

The main types of work for gemological examination :

  • instrumental diagnostics of stones, including determination of their origin (natural or artificial) and identification of refinement;
  • recognition of imitations and fakes;
  • determination of the quality characteristics of stones;
  • forecasting the cost of stones in jewelry and other products, raw materials, collection and museum exhibits, etc .;
  • services for the examination of lots of precious stones for technical purposes.

Expert examination techniques for minerals include:

  • methods for determining mechanical properties: hardness, fragility, cleavage;
  • methods for determining optical properties: transparency, color, pleochroism, refraction, luminescence;
  • methods for determining the density of minerals;
  • microscopic methods: optical, X-ray and electron microscopy, which allow studying the signs of the external and internal structure of minerals (inclusions, cracks, the nature of the distribution of color, etc.).

X-ray methods for the analysis of minerals:

  • X-ray diffraction (including X-ray phase) analysis is a classic method for diagnosing minerals, it makes it possible to determine the mineral type, structural varieties, to give a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the composition, to obtain information on the fineness of a substance, structure defectiveness, etc.;
  • X-ray spectral analysis - to establish the qualitative and quantitative elemental composition of minerals and their inclusions;
  • X-ray luminescence.

For example, determining the type of precious stones involves measuring and evaluating the following indicators: color, refractive index, hardness, luminescence, pleochroism, etc.

Gemological (mineralogical) examination is carried out using instrumental methods and with the help of modern equipment:

  • D-Scope microscopes;
  • refractometers;
  • ICh-Fourier - spectrometer;
  • X-ray energy spectrometer;
  • special fluorescent lamps;
  • laser diamond scanner OGI, etc.

The characteristics of gemstones are determined in accordance with the Technical Conditions and Regulations of the State Heritage Site, in accordance with methods traditional for the CIS countries and international rules.

Given the range of methods of gemological examination, it is performed by experienced specialists who have higher education and special qualifications obtained in leading gemological centers.

Based on the results of the examination, an expert opinion is issued in the form approved by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

A special issue of gemological expertise is the issue of marking precious stones. The marking of precious stones is established by the current legislation, regulatory and technical documentation.

The marking of a single gem of natural origin or a batch of loose gemstones should contain information on the quality characteristics that are applied to the jewelry label, paper bag or to a special form. For example, for a diamond, the following information is noted:

  1. proper name of the stone: "diamond" (only for natural diamonds), "artificial synthetic diamond" (for artificial diamonds);
  2. weight (for one diamond) or total weight
  3. dimension or weight subgroup and number of diamonds (in pieces) - for a batch of diamonds;
  4. name of the type of cut;
  5. a group of geometric parameters, a group of purity and a color group (except artificial).

Also, during gemological examination, issues of falsification and refinement of precious stones are determined.

In modern jewelry, experts pay special attention to precisely determining the fact that precious stones have been refined.

The quality of precious and decorative stones, their consumer characteristics can almost always be significantly improved. But, the world gemological practice testifies that only naturally high-quality stones have a high price. All processing methods do not change the "status" of the natural stone, but require their informative support during the sale. Today, the refining of precious stones is a whole industry with modern methods and materials.

Types of precious stones refining:

  • heat treatment - amber, aquamarine, sapphire, ruby, citrine, amethyst, tourmaline;
  • radiation treatment - yellow sapphire, topaz, tourmaline, kunzite;
  • crack treatment - emerald, ruby;
  • oiling - emerald, jadeite, lapis lazuli;
  • applying a coloring coating - sapphire;
  • discoloration and staining - agate, onyx, coral;
  • laser drilling - diamond.

The price of a refined stone is lower than that of a similar one compared to it. According to the rules of the CIBJO (International Confederation for Gemstones, Silver, Diamonds and Pearls), the term "ennobled" means "... an artificially improved appearance or color of a stone by methods other than polishing and cutting." All stones that have been modified (improved) using such methods must be documented as refined. Failure to do so qualifies as counterfeiting and requires liability in accordance with the law. The exceptions are:

  1. heat treatment, which results in the formation of a stable color of amber, corundum (rubies, sapphires), beryl, quartz, topaz, tourmaline, zoisitiv;
  2. the use of colorless oils, wax or other substances for emeralds, jade, turquoise, etc .;
  3. thermal and acid treatment and touch-up of agates;
  4. bleaching ivory and coral.

This is primarily due to the stability of the changes obtained and the difficulties arising in identifying the fact of ennobling.

Some irradiated stones lose their acquired color over time and, in addition, they can have residual radioactivity for a long time, which causes the appearance of various human diseases. In addition, the coloring of some semi-precious stones is carried out with the help of harmful dyes, causes allergies, thyroid diseases, etc.

Gemological expertise

Service (for 1 sample) Deadlines Price without VAT*
Gemological expertise from 1 hour from 21 USD
Tariff "Just look" up to 30 minutes 21 USD
DIAGNOSTICS AND EVALUATION (identification, classification, preliminary evaluation) and determination of quality characteristics (Cut, Carat, Clarity, Color) for 1 pcs.
up to 1ct up to 1 day 98 USD
1 to 2ct up to 1 day 144 USD
from 2 to 25 ct up to 3 days x2-x24
from 25 to 40 ct up to 3 days x25-x40
from 40ct up to 7 days x40
without issuing a certificate up to 1 day x0.5
Emeralds, rubies, sapphires, alexandrites
up to 2ct up to 1 day 44 USD
from 2 to 5ct up to 1 day 86 USD
from 5 to 20ct up to 3 days 128 USD
from 20ct up to 7 days 170 USD
without issuing a certificate up to 1 day x0.5
Other precious stones (II-IV order)
up to 20ct up to 1 day 44 USD
from 20 to 50 ct up to 1 day 86 USD
from 50ct up to 1 day 128 USD
without issuing a certificate up to 1 day x0.5
Gemstones of organogenic formation (amber, pearl, coral, bone)
up to 100 g up to 1 day 44 USD
from 100 g to 500 g up to 1 day 86 USD
from 500 g to 1.00 kg up to 3 days 128 USD
from 1.00 kg up to 7 days 170 USD
without issuing a certificate up to 1 day x0.5
semi-precious stones
up to 1.00 kg up to 1 day 44 USD
from 1.00 kg up to 3 days 149 USD
without issuing a certificate up to 1 day x0.5
decorative stones
up to 5.00 kg up to 1 day 44 USD
from 5.00 kg up to 3 days 128 USD
without issuing a certificate up to 1 day x0.5
EVALUATION of the cost of stones (without diagnostics) for 1 pcs.
up to 1ct up to 1 hour 42 USD
from 1ct up to 2 hours x0.5 diag.
without issuing a certificate up to 1 hour x0.5
Emeralds, rubies, sapphires, alexandrites
up to 2ct up to 1 hour 21 USD
from 2ct up to 1 day x0.5 diag.
without issuing a certificate up to 1 hour x0.5
Other precious stones (II-IV order)
up to 20ct up to 1 hour 21 USD
from 20ct up to 1 day x0.5 diag.
without issuing a certificate up to 1 hour x0.5
Gemstones of organogenic formation (amber, pearl, coral, bone)
up to 100 g up to 1 hour 21 USD
from 100 g up to 1 day x0.5 diag.
without issuing a certificate up to 1 hour x0.5
semi-precious stones
up to 1.00 kg up to 1 hour 21 USD
from 1.00 kg up to 1 day x0.5 diag.
without issuing a certificate up to 1 hour x0.5
decorative stones
up to 5.00 kg up to 1 hour 21 USD
from 5.00 kg up to 1 day x0.5 diag.
without issuing a certificate up to 1 hour x0.5
Attestation and certification of stones
(including diagnostics, characterization and issuance of a conclusion)
for 1 pcs.
diamonds up to 1 ct (TU U 36.2-21587162.001-2002) up to 1 day 98 USD
precious stones of the 1st order up to 2 ct (TU U 36.2-21587162.002-2009) up to 1 day 44 USD
precious stones II-IV order up to 20 ct (TU U 36.2-21587162.003-2009) up to 1 day 44 USD
International certification for 1 pcs.
diamonds 0.3-1.0 ct up to 14 days 167 USD
diamonds 1.0-2.0 ct up to 14 days 223 USD
diamonds 2.0-3.0 ct up to 14 days 279 USD
diamonds from 3.0 ct up to 14 days 335 USD
Amber expertise for 1 pcs.
Diagnostics and examination of amber (burshtin, amber) up to 1 day from 42 USD
Amber evaluation (burshtinu, amber) up to 1 day from 21 USD
Pearl Expertise for 1 pcs.
Diagnosis and examination of pearls up to 1 day from 42 USD
Pearl grade up to 1 day from 21 USD
Determination of the nature of pearls (XRF and radiography) up to 14 days 163 USD
Examination of meteorites for 1 pcs.
Examination of meteorites (without issuing a protocol) up to 7 days 21 USD
Examination of meteorites up to 7 days 42 USD
Examination of meteorites with chemical analysis (siderites, stony, iron-stony) up to 14 days 116 USD
Meteorite assessment up to 7 days 21 USD
other services for 1 pcs.
Calculation of the cost of jewelry with precious stones (without diagnostics of stones and metal) up to 3 days 163 USD
Diagnostics of the natural origin of the stone up to 14 days 167 USD
Diagnosis of the nature of color and origin of the diamond up to 14 days 293 USD
Ultrasonic and manual cleaning of jewelry up to 1 day 23 USD
Level of radioactivity of stones (gamma and beta background) up to 1 day 42 USD
Determination of the specific gravity (density, S.G.) up to 3 days 56 USD
Consultations on operations with stones 1 hour 81 USD

The prices are approved by the director of LLC "In Consulting" 03.03.2025. Deadlines are indicated in working days

For a free consultation, you can use On-line consultation, or call us or write to the messengers.For information about the cost of services go to Tariffs or place Application for Services.