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02141 Ukraine, Kiev, st. Rudenko, 6a, office 819
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The cost of the examination of antiques

1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)

Examination of antiques and cultural property

Service (for 1 sample) Deadlines Price without VAT*
Preliminary consultation (without issuing a conclusion) up to 1 hour 60 USD
Attribution up to 30 days 160 USD
Artistic expertise up to 30 days 200 USD
Technological expertise (for 1 question) up to 30 days 200 USD
Assay examination up to 30 days 42 USD
Trace examination up to 30 days 240 USD
Identification examination up to 30 days 240 USD
Examination of authenticity up to 30 days 10%, min 321 USD
Rating up to 30 days 5%, min 160 USD
Comprehensive research up to 90 days from 644 USD
Import and export of antiques
Accompaniment of the state examination of cultural property up to 30 days 195 USD
Accompanying the receipt of a passport for musical instruments up to 30 days 195 USD
Accompaniment of the state examination of large items (without the cost of transportation costs) up to 90 days 312 USD
Confirmation of ownership of antiques up to 3 days 20% (VAT) +42 USD
Accompanying the issuance of a certificate for the right to export antiques up to 14 days 163 USD
Identification of pigments, paints
Determination of paints by IR method up to 14 days 216 USD
Determination of paints by XRF up to 4 days 51 USD
Base determination by GC-MS up to 14 days 240 USD
Dating, age determination
Determining the age of metal products (per 1 sample, with metal chemical analysis) up to 30 days 151 USD
Determining the age of paints, pigments (for the first point, with XRF or IR spectral analysis of the composition) up to 30 days 130 USD
Wood age determination (LSC-A 14C) up to 30 days 423 USD
Determining the age of bones, ceramics, soil (LSC-B 14C) up to 30 days 540 USD
Age determination by LSC-A (CO2 absorption)
inorganics (secondary carbonates, shells, atmospheric CO2) up to 60 days 598 USD
inorganics with additional processing (dissolved inorganic carbon in water) up to 60 days 788 USD
organics (wood, coal, peat, soil/sediment, grains, leaves, moss, seeds) up to 60 days 674 USD
organic with extra processing (bones, teeth, household waste, tires) up to 60 days 1174 USD
Age determination by LSC-B method (benzene synthesis)
inorganics (secondary carbonates, shells, atmospheric CO2) up to 60 days 865 USD
inorganics with additional processing (dissolved inorganic carbon in water) up to 60 days 1098 USD
organics (wood, coal, peat, soil/sediment, grains, leaves, moss, seeds) up to 60 days 1021 USD
organic with extra processing (bones, teeth, household waste, tires) up to 60 days 1212 USD
AMS age determination (14C + d13C)
inorganics without processing up to 60 days 1598 USD
inorganics with additional processing (cremated bones and similar specimens) up to 60 days 1598 USD
organic (paper, parchment, fabric, canvas) up to 60 days 1714 USD
organic with extra processing up to 60 days 1905 USD
Determination of tritium activity concentration 3H
direct definition (DirO) up to 60 days 279 USD
electrolytic enrichment (ElEn) up to 60 days 665 USD
Restoration of sculptures (for 1 element) up to 30 days 105 USD
Painting restoration (for 1 element) up to 30 days 872 USD
Accompanying services
Transaction support - 42 USD
Formation of collections - Acc. Contr.
other services - Acc. Contr.

The prices are approved by the director of LLC "In Consulting" 03.03.2025. Deadlines are indicated in working days

* Discounts: When examining products of the same type (in a batch of 5 pcs.), A discount is provided on the total cost of the examination equal to the number of products with a maximum discount of up to 50%.
* Discounts: When the number of products is from 50 pieces (one-time or not more than a month), prices are negotiated individually.
* Discounts: These rates apply to one-time services. Discounts are provided to organizations that have concluded long-term contracts and carry out expertise in significant volumes.

General rates for studies

Service (for 1 sample) Deadlines Price without VAT*
Urgent expertise term x0.5 x2
Work after hours (from 18:00 to 10:00, weekends, holidays) standard x2
Prices for legal entities (payment by bank transfer, execution of an agreement, certificate of completion, tax invoice) standard x1.2
Oral consultations (per 1 hour) - 60 USD
Written consultations (for 1 question) - 60 USD
General sampling (for 1 batch) - 49 USD
General sample preparation - 28 USD
Additional sample storage 30 days 7 USD
Oral/preliminary conclusion - x0.5
Issuance of an expert opinion (for 1 question) up to 7 days 42 USD
Issuance of a complex expert opinion (for 1 question) up to 14 days 84 USD
Additional issuance of a conclusion in English (for 1800 characters with spaces) up to 7 days 19 USD
Issuance of a duplicate of an expert opinion or protocol
(only to the research customer)
up to 14 days 23 USD
Issuance of a copy of the expert opinion or protocol
(only to the research customer)
up to 14 days for free
Technical analysis of standards, GOSTs, TU up to 14 days 42 USD
Security and escort of valuables (1 hour) 1 hour 91 USD
Legal support - 644 USD
Preliminary consultations - for free
Analysis of standard samples - for free
Demo analyzes - for free
Examination of samples of the same type from 5 pcs - -5-50%

The prices are approved by the director of LLC "In Consulting" 03.03.2025. Deadlines are indicated in working days

For a free consultation, you can use On-line consultation, or call us or write to the messengers.For information about the cost of services go to Tariffs or place Application for Services.