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Bitumen expertise

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Bitumen is a class of specific compounds of carbon and hydrogen with relatively low concentrations of nitrogen-containing substances, oxygen and metals. They can have a liquid, semi-liquid and solid structure, are characterized by a high concentration of resinous compounds that are absorbed by organic solvents. Bitumen are of natural origin and are derived from the processing of peat, coal, shale or oil.

There are several main types of bitumen, differentiated into the following groups:

  1. Petroleum based on particles identical in composition to a multicomponent micelle. The core consists of carbides and carbenes, as well as sparingly soluble asphaltenes. This type of bitumen is formed after refining exclusively at the respective plants.
  2. Road, widely used as a binder with mineral bases in the production of road surfaces.
  3. Natural, which are the highest quality. They are characterized by the highest coefficient of adhesion to the surface and stability. The main disadvantage of this material is its high cost due to the shortage of the product.
  4. Residual - the consequences of removing oil from tar. They are characterized by a rather low viscosity index. It can be increased by oxidation.

Cold or hot road bitumen is in the highest consumer demand on the market. Most often, it is used in a viscous or liquid form. Viscous is preferable because, due to its unique characteristics, it is able to increase the useful properties of hot asphalt.

The roofing type is indispensable in the construction industry. It is often used as a base for roofing. Its use is also justified as a heat-insulating base - the material is excellent for protecting pipes from the negative effects of corrosion. Bitumen-based mastics are widely used, which contain polymers and special additives that increase the level of heat resistance and plasticity of the material. The key advantages of almost any form of bitumen include high rates of elasticity, flexibility and pliability of the material during operation.

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Methods for obtaining petroleum bitumen

There are several ways in which bitumen is produced:

  • By concentrating oil residues by vacuum distillation under the influence of water vapor or inert gas;
  • With the oxidation of oil residues with oxygen at high temperatures;
  • By mixing residual oil with residual products and distillate;
  • In a combination of several of the above methods.

The best raw materials for manufacturing are the residues of heavy oil refining - asphalts, cracking residues, tar, etc. The best bitumen are obtained with a low content of paraffins (paraffins prevent adhesion with minerals) and with a high content of resinous-asphaltene components. At the same time, oil must be well demineralized for production.

Where are residual products used?

In the West, bitumen produced from residues is widely used. France, for example, has 85 percent of them. Such materials are distinguished by increased strength, density, ability to resist tearing, and resistance to temperature changes. Not all types of oil are used for their production, but only those that have less paraffins.

The great need of the national economy for bitumen dictates the need to produce them from heavy, highly resinous oil. By deasphalting tar, precipitated bitumen is obtained, for which special installations are used in the USA and other countries. At the same time, paraffin oils, which are of little use for the main bitumen production, are more often used for production.

In the entire territory of the former Soviet Union, there is not a single deasphalting plant that would work directly on the production of these products. The existing installations are aimed at the release of residual oil. At the same time, the quality of asphalt is not regulated and is not subject to real control.

At the same time, the use of heavy grades of oil abroad does not always provide high-quality distillation and quality. Therefore, the oxidation process increases the viscosity and temperature sensitivity. And the development of oxidation for industrial production seems to be a good help when using the secondary use of oil residues in the development of secondary refining processes.

Oxidation under pressure

Oxidation is more active with increasing pressure in the oxidation zone. At the same time, raw materials with a low amount of oils give bitumen with high elongation, and plasticity intervals, as well as penetration. With an increase in air consumption, the intensity of the process also increases and the heat resistance of the final bitumen product increases. Residual fractions are usually oxidized in the cube - this method is used abroad, in old plants and in the production of low-tonnage types of bitumen.

The use of column apparatus in continuously operating bitumen plants

Recently, bitumen hollow columns have been actively used for production. The presence of several columns makes the production more flexible, which is important given the seasonal fluctuations of bitumen. This method makes it possible to stabilize the thermal regime of oxidation by changing the temperature of the feedstock entering the columns and using compressors. An example of a high-quality and effective application of this method can be called an Austrian company with its Pörner technology. This technology is distinguished by the presence of an inner cup in the column.

Compounding method

It is used when working with a bituminous mixture. It replaces the oxidation method and is used abroad quite actively in the production of construction bitumen. Such bitumens can be obtained in different ways, in order to choose the preferred one, it is necessary to conduct special studies taking into account the characteristics of the processed raw materials, the conditions of a particular refinery. In short, the main thing can be highlighted:

  • the most promising bitumen production is on column-type apparatuses;
  • research on such oxidation is ongoing;
  • non-oxidized bitumen have a high level of adhesion, extensibility, high aging resistance against oxidized bitumen;

In the CIS, the production of peroxidized bitumen is developed with a further compounding process with weighted tar.

Requirements for the quality of bitumen

Road bitumen is used under conditions of increased load, therefore, the requirements for their quality are increased. There is a certain list of qualities that bitumen can have for use in road conditions:

  • heat resistance - these materials must withstand elevated temperatures, therefore heat resistance is one of the first requirements;
  • frost resistance - even at negative temperatures, bitumen on the roads must retain the elasticity it should be;
  • the ability to adhere to mineral materials - adhesion should be provided equally well with both dry and wet surfaces;
  • preservation of viscosity and strength for a long time;
  • good resistance to compression and shock , which are inevitable in heavy traffic on the road.

Construction bitumen differ from road bitumen, which may be less flexible, but at the same time must have no less strength and wear resistance.

General characteristics of all types of bitumen, which make them suitable for use in different sectors of the national economy:

  • preservation of the original plasticity during temperature fluctuations;
  • high degree of viscosity and ability to cement;
  • durability and stability;
  • the ability to tolerate elevated temperatures;
  • an increased level of elasticity of the material, which allows bitumen to retain plasticity even under negative temperatures.

The properties of bitumen are influenced by their composition, more precisely, the ratio of resins, oils, asphaltenes in the material, as well as the absence of paraffins or their content in small quantities. All these substances are contained in the original product - oil. Thus, the quality of the final product also depends on the quality of the oil. In addition, the quality is also influenced by the crosslinking oxidation process.

What performance characteristics determine the quality of bitumen?

The quality of bitumen depends on their technical and physical and technical properties, thermal and dielectric characteristics, optical properties and their relation to water and solvents.

Among the important characteristics are indicators of the loss of mass of bitumen during heating, as well as indicators of adhesion and cohesion of bitumen. Today, the whole world needs quality bitumen that can withstand the increased loads on the roadway. Therefore, in many countries, new binders are being developed for synthetic materials that will help preserve and increase the life of the road surface.

It becomes obvious that good results of road operation can be achieved if bitumen with a wide plasticity range is used, that is, one that has less brittleness in frost and a higher temperature at which softening occurs. Road bitumen perform not only a binding role, but also a waterproofing role, binding the mineral substances of the filler. Therefore, there is the concept of "ideal bitumen", which has collected all the existing positive characteristics of bitumen. Such bitumen has:

  • high adhesion to mineral filler and compatibility to it;
  • a certain temperature of brittleness, softening and glass transition;
  • strength and elasticity.

Recently, there has been a tendency to unify all bitumen produced in Europe under a single standard. Such a task was received by the European Organization for Standardization or the European Union. Their meaning is to bring all national standards to a single similarity of norms that will be the same for all countries that now have their own standards, but taking into account the climate and characteristics of road use in each individual country.

And although the CIS does not yet have new pan-European standards approved by Europe, it is important to know that bitumen producers who plan to supply them to the EU market will carry out tests under the conditions adopted in Europe.

Petroleum bitumen production

The increased flow of cars, the increased loads on the roadway make bitumen producers think about improving its performance characteristics. Today, instead of the declared 15-20 years, which the asphalt road should serve, in fact, it serves five to twelve years at most.

It becomes problematic to make high-quality and timely road repairs, primarily due to the lack of raw materials and materials. According to the analysis of the needs of construction organizations, it is satisfied less than half. And since in bitumen-mineral compositions for road repair, bitumen occupies 5-9 percent, not counting the filler, it becomes obvious that the quality of road repair to a large extent depends on its quality as a binder with mineral fillers. Therefore, the question of the quality of bitumen is the most important for solving the whole problem of saving resources.

And here the opinions of road builders and bitumen producers differ on the reasons for such a poor quality of the product. The first consider this a consequence of its poor adhesion to mineral materials, and the second - a violation of the rules of transportation and laying technology. At the same time, our product sold to European countries shows good results.

General indicators and standards for fuels and lubricants

Service (for 1 sample) Deadlines Price without VAT*
Aniline point (GOST 12329) up to 14 days 65 USD
Phosphorus content (GOST 9827, ASTM D 6481, ASTM D 6443, ASTM D 4927) up to 14 days 60 USD
Induction period (GOST 4039) up to 14 days 186 USD
Cloud point (GOST 5066, DSTU ISO 3015) up to 14 days 95 USD
Drop point (GOST 6793, GOST 19832, GOST 7171) up to 14 days 65 USD
Volume fraction of methyl/ethylated fatty acid esters (DSTU EN 14078) up to 14 days 81 USD
Crystallization start temperature (GOST 5066, DSTU ISO 3013, GOST 18995.5) up to 14 days 95 USD
Initial boiling point (GOST 2177) up to 5 days 79 USD
Saturated steam pressure (DSTU 4160, GOST 1756) up to 14 days 60 USD
Iodine number (GOST 2070) up to 7 days 63 USD
Viscosity index, calculation (DSTU GOST 25371, GOST 6794) up to 5 days 26 USD
Conditional viscosity (GOST 6258) up to 7 days 47 USD
Content of free acids (GOST 6707) up to 14 days 53 USD
Content of water-soluble acids and alkalis (GOST 6307) up to 14 days 53 USD
Dynamic viscosity (GOST 1929) up to 7 days 65 USD
Acid number (GOST 11362, ASTM D 974) up to 7 days 60 USD
Acidity (GOST 5985-79) up to 7 days 60 USD
The concentration of actual resins (GOST 8489, DSTU GOST 1567, GOST 1012) up to 14 days 77 USD
Filterability coefficient (GOST 19006-73) up to 14 days 44 USD
The presence of water and mechanical impurities (qualitatively) up to 3 days 26 USD
Coking capacity (GOST 19932, GOST 14298) up to 14 days 65 USD
Color (GOST 20284, GOST 3134, GOST 1012, ND) up to 14 days 35 USD
Lead concentration (GOST 28828, GOST 1012) up to 5 days 51 USD
Chemical composition of carbohydrates (aromatic, olefinic, etc.) (DSTU 7686, ASTM D 6733, GOST 29040) up to 14 days 112 USD
Base number (DSTU 5094, GOST 11362) up to 7 days 65 USD
Mass fraction of sulfur (DSTU ISO 20847, ISO 13032, ASTM D 4294, DSTU EN ISO 20884, ASTM D 2622, GOST 19121) up to 5 days 51 USD
Knock resistance, octane number (OC) according to the research method (GOST 8226, DSTU 8737) up to 14 days 105 USD
Pour point (GOST 20287) up to 14 days 95 USD
Oil volatility according to NOACK (GOST 32334) up to 14 days 112 USD
Mass fraction of hydrogen sulfide (GOST 17323) up to 14 days 65 USD
Mass fraction of ash up to 7 days 98 USD
Mass fraction of mercaptan sulfur (GOST 17323, DSTU ISO 3012) up to 14 days 65 USD
Mass fraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (DSTU EN 12916) up to 14 days 84 USD
Volume fraction of benzene and aromatic hydrocarbons (GOST 29040, ASTM D 6733) up to 14 days 95 USD
Mass fraction of oxygen (DSTU EN 12177, DSTU EN 13132) up to 14 days 114 USD
The content of benzene and aromatic hydrocarbons (GOST 29040, EN 238-96) up to 14 days 95 USD
Mass fraction of manganese up to 14 days 126 USD
Density (DSTU GOST 31072, DSTU GOST 8.559, ASTM D 1298, GOST 3900, ДСТУ EN ISO 3675) up to 3 days 58 USD
Appearance (GOST 6794, GOST 10877, GOST 1033, etc.) up to 3 days 35 USD
Ash content (GOST 1461, DSTU EN ISO 6245, DSTU GOST 12417, GOST 23652, GOST 10877) up to 14 days 98 USD
Sulfate ash content (DSTU GOST 12417, DSTU ISO 3987) up to 14 days 98 USD
Period of stability (GOST 6321) up to 14 days 60 USD
Hydrogen ion activity indicator up to 7 days 88 USD
Refractive index (DSTU GOST 18995.2) up to 14 days 53 USD
Transparency (GOST 32, GOST 982, GOST 9972, GOST 10121, GOST 10289) up to 14 days 40 USD
Degree of purity (GOST 12275) up to 14 days 128 USD
Boiling point (ND) up to 5 days 79 USD
Flash point in a closed crucible (GOST 6356, DSTU ISO 2719) up to 5 days 88 USD
Maximum filterability temperature (GOST 22254, GOST 322254, DSTU EN 116) up to 14 days 77 USD
Knock resistance, octane number (OC) according to the motor method (GOST 511, DSTU 8736) up to 14 days 105 USD
Calorific value (GOST 11065) up to 14 days 51 USD
Cetane number (GOST 3122, DSTU 8735) up to 5 days 51 USD
Fractional composition (GOST 2177, ISO 3405, GOST 28084) up to 5 days 79 USD
Flash point in an open crucible (DSTU GOST 4333, ISO 2592) up to 5 days 88 USD
Temperature limits of distillation (GOST 28084) up to 7 days 79 USD
Saponification number (GOST 21749) up to 14 days 93 USD
Cetane index (calculation, GOST 27768, DSTU ISO 4264) up to 3 days 33 USD
Vapor lock index up to 14 days 35 USD
Mass fraction of elements up to 5 days 51 USD
Mass fraction of iron (GOST R 52530-2006) up to 14 days 65 USD
Mass fraction of mechanical impurities (DSTU EN ISO 12662, GOST 10577, GOST 6479, GOST 6370) up to 5 days 128 USD
Volume fraction of oxygen compounds (DSTU EN 12177, DSTU EN 13132) up to 14 days 114 USD
Volume fraction of olefins (ASTM D 6733) up to 14 days 112 USD
Hydrogen index (GOST 11362, ND) up to 7 days 88 USD
Kinematic viscosity (DSTU GOST 33, ASTM D 445, EN ISO 3104, one viscometer) up to 5 days 95 USD
Mass fraction of alkali (GOST 6307, GOST 9433, GOST 19337) up to 14 days 53 USD
Alkalinity (GOST 28084) up to 7 days 56 USD
Mass fraction of aromatic hydrocarbons (GOST 6994) up to 14 days 58 USD
Mass fraction of active elements (GOST 13538, ASTM D 6481, ASTM D 6443, ASTM D 4927) up to 5 days 51 USD
Copper plate test (DSTU EN ISO 2160, GOST 6321, ГОСТ 2917) up to 5 days 63 USD
Penetration (GOST 5346, GOST 8551, GOST 19832, GOST 19337, etc.) up to 14 days 65 USD
Mass fraction of water (DSTU GOST 2477, ASTM D 95, GOST 1547, GOST 14870) up to 5 days 67 USD
Thermal stability under static conditions (GOST 11802) up to 14 days 65 USD
Interaction with water (GOST 27154, DSTU ISO 6250) up to 14 days 40 USD
Height of non-smoking flame (GOST 4338, DSTU ISO 3014) up to 14 days 65 USD
Electrical conductivity (GOST 25950, DSTU 8385) up to 14 days 40 USD
Contentse soaps of naphthenic acids (GOST 21103) up to 14 days 60 USD
Tribological characteristics (GOST 9490) up to 14 days 360 USD
Thermal and oxidative stability (GOST 981, ISO 4263-1, EN ISO 12205, ASTM D 2274) up to 14 days 149 USD
Lubricity (EN ISO 12156-1, DSTU ISO 12156-1) up to 14 days 360 USD
Bully index (GOST 9490) up to 14 days 149 USD
Critical load (GOST 9490) up to 14 days 72 USD
Wear diameter (GOST 9490) up to 14 days 105 USD
Welding loads (GOST 9490) up to 14 days 116 USD
Low temperature studies, down to -60 °C, 1 hour. up to 2 days 47 USD
Low temperature studies, down to -89 °C, 1 hour. up to 2 days 51 USD

The prices are approved by the director of LLC "In Consulting" 03.03.2025. Deadlines are indicated in working days

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