Staff motivation is the most difficult type of motivation. The factors of personnel motivation are greatly influenced by group values.
A person works for various reasons, and in most cases, money is not such.
People should be treated like celebrities. If you try to manipulate smart people, they will start to get angry. Staff motivation uses the "carrot and stick" mechanism.
There are frequent cases when the order and sequence of levels of satisfaction of needs is not expressed. A person who does not fully satisfy his first level needs makes a choice not in favor of a higher-paying job. He chooses a job that is more interesting, or more prestigious, or with a greater opportunity for contacts, more responsibility, more freedom for self-expression. Motivating such personnel only by increasing material rewards is useless. High levels of motivation are included in them not after the levels of physiological needs and safety, but from the very beginning, together with them.
Motivation of personnel by the method of meeting social needs:
- not interfere with the ability to communicate at work;
- create team spirit;
- meet periodically;
- promote social activity outside of work.
Motivating staff by meeting the need for respect:
- offer more meaningful work;
- Demonstrate positive feedback on the results;
- involve subordinates in the formulation of goals and the development of solutions;
- delegate rights to subordinates.
Motivating staff by meeting the needs for self-expression:
- provide opportunities for learning and development;
- entrust complex and important work;
- encourage creativity.
Employee motivation theories get incredibly complex every day. Fairness and awareness are becoming important factors. Fairness means that the motivation of the staff is drastically reduced if the employee believes that they are getting less than the other person for equal work.
It must be remembered that there is also such a motive as the desire for power - a position in which one person can control the actions of other people. This is one of the strongest staff motivations - leadership motivation.
There are four different kinds of people who have different attitudes towards work. For a person whose energy is directed primarily to the body, the most motivating factors are money, good working conditions and free time. The work itself does not interest him, for him it is only a way to meet the needs of the body.
A person, whose energy is directed to activity, is motivated, in addition to money, by the importance, content and responsibility of work, success, prestige and all manifestations of recognition and respect, as well as the possibility of self-expression.
A contact person is motivated by salary and communication work, unless they are fanatical about a particular group of people. If fanaticism has already formed, such a person can be motivated by activities, the results of which are aimed at meeting the needs of this group.
A person whose psychological energy is directed to fantasy, in addition to material reward, is motivated by free time and the opportunity to use his aesthetic and creative capabilities for the purposes of the company.
Each person needs an individual approach and all motivation is based on two basic needs - to get pleasure and get away from suffering.
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