1. Quality policy
The management of In Consulting LLC, which bears administrative responsibility for quality, has defined and documented a quality policy that covers goals and commitments to quality assurance. The quality policy of In Consulting LLC is to meet the needs of interested applicants in carrying out and obtaining objective, qualified and reproducible results, as well as in achieving and maintaining a high organizational and qualification level of activity that meets the requirements and expectations of clients in terms of their competence and independence.
2. Goals and objectives
2.1. The main objectives of In Consulting LLC are:
- creation of its own effective quality system of In Consulting LLC, which provides support and improvement of all its production processes;
- high-quality and professional performance by the staff of In Consulting LLC of all works and services that meet national and international standards;
- performance of work only on the basis of objective and reliable information;
- formation of a high professional image of In Consulting LLC as an honest, independent and competent organization.
3. Implementation of quality policy and achievement of performance objectives
3.1. The implementation of the declared policy in the field of quality, its understanding and implementation is carried out by the administrative management of In Consulting LLC due to the existing organizational structure, distribution of responsibilities and powers, the system of training qualified personnel, normative documentation on quality, technical resources, control over work performance, organizational support. -technical and scientific-methodological level of work corresponding to the level of similar national and international organizations.
3.2. Achievement of the goals of LLC In Consulting is ensured by:
- the legal status, organizational structure and procedures of In Consulting LLC, excluding any discrimination against the applicant enterprises and the possibility of administrative, economic or other influence of third-party organizations on the completeness and objectivity of the results;
- personnel competent in quality system matters;
- engaging on a contractual basis representatives of other bodies, competent auditors;
- the availability of an updated fund and compliance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents for quality systems, including standards and other regulatory documents with requirements for products and methods of testing;
- availability of a documented quality system of In Consulting LLC, regulated rules and procedures;
- a clear distribution of powers and responsibilities between the staff of In Consulting LLC for the performance of duties that affect the quality and satisfaction of stakeholders;
- systematic development and implementation of corrective and preventive actions aimed at eliminating identified and potential causes of nonconformities;
- the system of remuneration and labor incentives available at In Consulting LLC, which excludes the possibility of commercial or financial pressure on them;
- a guarantee of maintaining the confidentiality of information constituting a production or commercial secret of the applicant enterprise.
4. Quality management
Quality management of work includes such methods and activities of an operational nature, aimed at simultaneously controlling the process and eliminating the unsatisfactory functioning of procedures, namely:
- self-assessment of the internal quality system of In Consulting LLC at least once a year;
- collection and analysis of claims and complaints of consumers regarding quality;
- registration and consideration of appeals of applicants;
- training to improve the qualifications of the personnel of In Consulting LLC and periodic (at least once every three years) certification.
Responsible for the implementation of the quality assurance program is the head of In Consulting LLC.
The deputy head is responsible for the functioning of the quality system of In Consulting LLC.