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В05 - Welding and cutting of metals. Soldering, riveting
В05 - Welding and cutting of metals. Soldering, riveting
List of articles in category В05 - Welding and cutting of metals. Soldering, riveting
GOST 10051-75 Coated metal electrodes for manual arc surfacing of surface layers with special properties. Types.
GOST 10052-75 Coated metal electrodes for manual arc welding of high-alloy steels with special properties. Types
GOST 10543-98 Welding steel wire. Technical conditions
GOST 11533-75 Automatic and semi-automatic submerged arc welding. Welded joints at sharp and obtuse angles. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions
GOST 11534-75 Manual arc welding. Welded joints at sharp and obtuse angles. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions
GOST 14771-76 Gas shielded arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions
GOST 14776-79 Arc welding. Point welded joints. Basic types, structural element and dimensions
GOST 14806-80 Arc welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys in inert gases. Welded connections. Basic types, structural element and dimensions
GOST 15164-78 Electroslag welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural element and dimensions
GOST 15878-79 Contact welding. Welded connections. Structural elements and dimensions
GOST 16037-80 Welded joints of steel pipelines. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions
GOST 16038-80 Arc welding. Welded pipe connections made of copper and copper-nickel alloy. Basic types, structural element and dimensions
GOST 16098-80 Welded joints from two-layer corrosion-resistant steel. Basic types, structural element and dimensions
GOST 16130-90 Welding wires and rods made of copper and copper-based alloys. Technical conditions
GOST 19249-73 Soldered joints. Basic types and parameters.
GOST 21448-75 Alloy powders for surfacing. Technical conditions.
GOST 21449-75 Bars for surfacing. Technical conditions.
GOST 2246-70 Steel welding wire. Technical conditions
GOST 23178-78 High-temperature torborate and boride-halide soldering fluxes. Technical conditions
GOST 23518-79 Gas-shielded arc welding. Welded joints at sharp and obtuse angles. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions
GOST 23949-80 Non-consumable tungsten welding electrodes. Technical conditions
GOST 25445-82 Drums, spools and cores for welding wire. Basic dimensions.
GOST 26101-84 Welding flux-cored wire. Technical conditions
GOST 26271-84 Flux-cored wire for arc welding of carbon and low-alloy steels. General specifications
GOST 26467-85 Powder surfacing tape. General specifications
GOST 27580-88 Arc welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys in inert gases. Welded joints at sharp and obtuse angles. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions
GOST 28555-90 Ceramic fluxes for arc welding of carbon and low-alloy steels. General specifications
GOST 28915-91 Laser pulse welding. Point welded joints. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions
GOST 30242-97 Defects of joints in fusion welding of metals. Classification, designation and definitions
GOST 30430-96 Arc welding of structural cast irons. Process requirements
GOST 30482-97 Electroslag welding of steels. Process requirements
GOST 30756-2001 Fluxes for electroslag technologies. General specifications
GOST 4417-75 Quartz sand for welding consumables.
GOST 4421-73 Fluorspar concentrate for welding consumables. Technical conditions
GOST 5.1215-72 ANO-4 metal electrodes for arc welding of low-carbon structural steels. Requirements for the quality of certified products
GOST 5.917-71 Hand torches for argon-arc welding, types RGA-150 and RGA-400. Requirements for the quality of certified products
GOST 5264-80 Manual arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions
GOST 7871-75 Welding wire made of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Technical conditions
GOST 8713-79 Submerged arc welding. welded joints. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions
GOST 9087-81 Fused welding fluxes. Technical conditions
GOST 9466-75 Coated metal electrodes for manual arc welding of steels and surfacing. Classification and general specifications
GOST 9467-75 Coated metal electrodes for manual arc welding of structural and heat-resistant steels. Types
GOST R 52222-2004 Fused welding fluxes for automatic welding. Technical conditions
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X-ray fluorescence analysis
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Determination of coating thickness
Analysis of carbon content
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Infrared spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy
NMR spectroscopy
Chromato-mass spectrometry
High performance liquid chromatography
DSC and TG analysis
Examination of plastics and rubber
Paint and varnish examination
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Gasoline expertise
Diesel fuel examination
Expertise of oils
Kerosene expertise
Bitumen expertise
Fuel oil expertise
Operation, quality and storage of fuels and lubricants
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Examination of antiques
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Art criticism expertise
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Evaluation of antiques
Radiocarbon dating C14
Antique Consulting
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